[was it hard to build up the solo] I don't think so. That was something I was quite pleased with, but really nobody else was. It's something which nobody ever mentions very much. "Fat Bottomed Girls" I thought was okay, but fairly banal. I thought people would be much more interested in "Dead On Time", but it didn't really get that much airplay. The explosions at the end are a real thunderstorm which ocurred when we were in the south of France. We put a tape recorder outside.
Sort of a heavy version of Keep Yourself Alive revisited.
This stuff is really sort of fooling around in the timing and then seeing what comes out… I think, when doing this, it was just a question of getting into the groove and seeing what came out.
I don't know of a Queen song I can really do the calibre of Queen, you know. That's part of it for me and it just didn't really fit into the project that we were doing at this time. And to pick a Queen song is rough one. Dead On Time would have been a good song to put on [The Spaghetti Incident]. Dead On Time would've been great.