There's a bitch of a song to sing.
This is is a song from our Hot Space album, which really sold fucking dreadfully. I can be honest, but that doesn't mean we don't do the songs. This is one of my songs.
One night I was told that the following morning I was booked on the eleven o'clock flight to New York to take a slave/master tape of Staying Power to Arif Mardin in the Atlantic building. I gave Arif the tape about six p.m. He worked overnight so that he could record the brass arrangement he had written in order that I should be able to leave the morning after to return it for further work by the band in Europe.
Deacy can be seen in Staying Power trading his bass for a rhythm guitar .... something he had a great talent for …
I was pleasantly surprised by all the energy [at The Bowl in Milton Keynes]. Back Chat and Staying Power had a life of their own. I think we got bogged down in the studio. There was always a new machine back then - and they were all out of date and being used as coffee tables within six months. Blame the ‘80s. There was a lot of awful dreadful shit in the ‘80s.
In Hot Space's formation, there came a point when one band member would not go into the studio if another member was there.