Quotes related to 'Mr. Bad Guy' album

Quotes related to the album

I was pleased with it. I was also pleased with my voice. I like it husky. It's all the smoking. That's why I smoke -- to get that husky voice.

Freddie Mercury; I Am The Champion, The Sun, 1985 #

Quotes related to 'Living On My Own' #

The album track Living on My Own is very me. I have to go round the world living in hotels. You can have a whole shoal of people you know looking after you. But in the end they all go away. But I'm not complaining. I'm living on my own and having a boogie time.

Freddie Mercury; I Am The Champion, The Sun, 1985 #

Basically if you listen to 'Living on my own' that is very me, it's living on my own but having fun. There's a bit in the middle where I do my scat singing and I'm just going... When you think about somebody like me, I mean my life-style, I mean I have to sort of go around the world and live in hotels and that can be very lonely but then... I look upon it and I don't want people to say 'Oh...' you know, I just say that's my life, it can be a very lonely life, but I mean I chose it and so, that song, it's not dealing with people who are living on their own in sort of basement flats, or things like that. It's my living on my own, and they are going to say 'Oh my God, how can he live on his own ?' But I mean, you can have a whole... a shoal of people you know looking after you, but you can be still living on your own because in the end they all go away and you live, you know, you live in a hotel on your own. And so basically what I've got to say is that I'm living on my own but I'm not complaining. I'm just saying I'm living on my own and I'm having a bogey time. Does that make sense, honey ?

Freddie Mercury; The Bigger The Better, 1985 #

Quotes related to 'My Love Is Dangerous' #

That something that I feel that maybe that's what my love is, you know. I haven't actually analyzed myself and said 'OK, my love is dangerous' I think after all these years I just feel I'm not a very good partner for anybody and I just think that's what my love is. I think my love is dangerous, who wants their love to be safe ? Can you image writing a song 'My love is safe' ? It would never sell.

Freddie Mercury; The Bigger The Better, 1985 #