Quote related to 'Who Wants To Live Forever' from 'A Kind Of Magic'

Biographical? Autobiographical? Such an interesting study. The more I see of songs and their writers, the more I tend towards the opinion that ALL songs have these elements in them!!! As far as I remember, I used an early sampling keyboard to record that part. I had sampled a note which I had sung, and the keyboard created a whole spectrum of notes. But whether this got on to the Queen record, or not, I am not quite sure. Listening to it now, it sounds more like a DX7 sound. But I played it … in one take, complete with all the changes at the end .... and by a miracle, when we first tried fitting the recorded track to the pictures as they were edited together, the pictures and the track completely locked together … every change of mood, every beat .... I actually think my sampled sound is on the version which my (then tiny) daughter, recorded. By the way, the song was born in a car, as my manager drove me back home from viewing the rushes of Highlander … including the sequence in which Connor McCloud [sic] falls in love with his Bonnie Heather, is warned that it will lead to misery, but does not listen. I saw her die in his arms, and him carrying her body up the hill. At the time, my Dad was dying of Cancer, and my marriage was breaking up. After about 5 minutes, the song was almost complete in my mind.

Brian May; Official Website, 30th of August 2008