Teo Toriatte (Let Us Cling Together) was the result of feeling “untimely ripped” from our lovely Japanese fans. I had never experienced anything like the love that was showered upon on when we were a young Rock Group in Japan. So suddenly, I felt I wanted to say (on behalf of Queen) that I missed them, and we would not forget. Of course, once a song is being born, all sorts of other ideas come into the head, and one becomes conscious that the song has other meanings. There are always strong personal feelings in my songs. And I like to make a song something universal, if possible - that's the kind of music that moves me. This means the song has to be, in some way, non-specific. But there are all sorts of ways around this ! One of my favourites in this area is a song which at first sight seems VERY specific - The song Maria from West Side Story. You might at first, if you just saw the film, or the stage show, think that the song only has a meaning inside the show. But the writers (being two men of genius - Stephen Sondheim, and the musical giant Leonard Bernstein) crafted it so wonderfully, that, once you have absorbed the idea that you have given the name Maria to the girl of your dreams, the song absolutely speaks your thoughts ... it's magic .... especially clever since the song is all about her name ... you know that magical feeling when even a name glimpsed in a newspaper, or on a mobile phone screen for that matter, can make your whole body feel an electric pulse! Well, the song gives you that! Well, I digress ... my song is about being parted from someone you love .... more than that, it would be hard to say ... it's in the song ... songs can say so much more than prose.