Again, a radical departure. I think most people hearing this for the first time were shocked because it wasn't rock like they expected us to be: it's very sophisticated, very delicate, a beautifully crafted record, you know, and I don't claim much credit myself although we were all in there – but you know it's just… there's so much space in it and yet so much going on, which all works, and I love it as a pop record, I have to say. It's a beautiful backing track: there's no clicks, of course, there's no machines whatsoever, there's no Pro Tools, this is just people playing. I think I was in hospital when [the rest of the band] did the backing track, I think, I'm not sure. I was very ill at that time and I came out and it was, sort of, almost finished and I remember being horrible to Fred about the backing vocals because I thought they were very abrasive so we sang them all again, and they had just a sort of sweeter touch, I suppose. Yeah, this is probably the guitar solo I would like to be remembered for. But it's so totally Freddie, I don't think anyone else would have dared to do anything like this and call themselves a rock star.